Friday, October 7, 2011

Green Chile Stuffed Olives

As much as we would like to blog for a living, we both have other jobs that unfortunately take up most of our time...ugh!...So, I am sure you all would agree, when the weekend comes around it's cause for celebration! These yummy green chile stuffed olives are the perfect garnish for any cocktail or are great on their own as an appetizer. Enjoy...and TGIF!

Green Chile Stuffed Olives
1 pkg. Cream Cheese (room temperature)
1/2 cup Green Chiles (roasted, peeled, chopped)
1 tsp. Garlic Powder
1 jar Large Green Olives (pitted)
In a bowl mix together Cream Cheese, Green Chiles and Garlic Powder. Spoon cream cheese mixture into a pastry bag fitted with a wide tip. Insert the pastry bag tip into the olive opening and squeeze until full. Repeat with remaining olives. Refrigerate at least one hour or until filling sets.

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